Contact information

First name

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Last name

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Email address

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Apartment, suite, etc. (optional)

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ZIP code

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Which days are you available to volunteer?

Enter a response

Are you available for full-day shifts or half-day shifts?

Enter a response

Do you have any specific date preferences or scheduling constraints?

Enter a response

Have you volunteered with Habitat for Humanity or similar organizations before?

Enter a response

Do you have any construction experience or relevant skills (e.g., carpentry, plumbing, electrical)?

Enter a response

Are you comfortable working with power tools and equipment?

Enter a response

Do you have any medical conditions or physical limitations that we should be aware of?

Enter a response

Are you comfortable working outdoors and potentially in physically demanding conditions?

Enter a response

Do you have any allergies or sensitivities to certain materials or substances?

Enter a response

Is there a specific area of the build site you're particularly interested in working on (e.g., framing, roofing, painting)?

Enter a response

Do you have any preferences or restrictions regarding the type of tasks you're willing to perform?

Enter a response

Why are you interested in volunteering with Habitat for Humanity Nova Scotia?

Enter a response

Are you willing to serve as a volunteer build leader? This would involve guiding volunteers, supervising work, and communicating closely with staff.

Enter a response

If you answered yes to Question 13, do you have first aid and WHMIS certificate training?

Enter a response

If you answered yes to Question 14, are you willing to provide us with proof of your first aid and WHMIS certification?

Enter a response

What is your shirt size?

Enter a response

Which build site would you like to work on?

Enter a response


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